Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Our babies have grown........... 2008 & 2009 Carolina Blues Cattery

This blog has been a long time coming. I am fortunate to have the most loving, caring, customers.  I now have over 100 photos that you have sent me of  your babies. I have gotten a bit overwhelmed, letting them accumulate.  My apologies to you, who always take the time out of your busy lives to send me a note and a photo or two. For those of you that write letters and send "real" photos, and the phone calls too, I thank each and every one of you.  I continue to love and care about  every kitten that leaves us  and can not describe the joy that these photos bring to me.  So, once again, I must thank  you.  Please keep the photos coming.  Carol Gagatch  PS I am still working on this blog, about 90 more photos to go through.